Gujarat,  Travel

The Heritage walk in Ahmedabad

I was in Ahmedabad to see the International Kite Festival in January. After a fun filled Kite festival it was time to take the Heritage walk in Ahmedabad. The heritage walk takes you around the old city of Ahmedabad. Unlike today’s Ahmadabad, the Old city Of Ahmadabad was confined to limited area around the Sabarmati River. This Heritage walk takes us through some parts of that old city, giving a chance to see the great heritage that it has successfully preserved for years.

The old city of Ahmadabad is perfect example of communal harmony where Jain, Hindu, Muslim live in peace with each other. Though the walk is just 1.5 Kms, yet you’ll see around 20 different sites on this walk. Isn’t it amazing?

The Municipal corporation of Ahmadabad organizes this heritage walk every morning that takes you through the old city. It is a 2 hour walk that gives you a chance to explore the old city. The Heritage walk starts early morning at around 7:30 AM from the Swaminarayan Temple, kalupur and ends at the Jama Masjid. It was 7AM and I was there at the temple gate. The Heritage walk starts here at the famous Swaminarayan temple in Kalupur.

Swaninayaran Temple

It is a 200-year temple, which is the first Swaminarayan temple in the world. Build in 1822, this is the very first site on the heritage walk. The huge gateway and the temple behind is really colorful with great peace of art on the walls and pillars. The Idols on the pillars and the walls are really beautiful.

Moreover, the early morning rush of people and the chants at the temple made the experience even more enriching. The Guide met me at around 7:30 and he started telling us about it. After spending some time at the 200-year-old temple, it was time for the next site.

Kavidalpatram Chowk

literature shaped the society because in earlier days, written medium was the biggest way of mass communication. Kavidalpatram not only promoted Guajarati language, but he also took part in social reforms. It’s good to see that the AMC built a small memorial in tribute to the legendry writer.  The Kavi dal Patram chowk holds a statue of Kavi Dalpatram and a house facade.

Heritage walk in Ahmedabad

The Pols of old city Ahmedabad

The ‘pol’ is the Guajarati term for a housing society. The Heritage walk passes though these pols. The guide describes the architecture of the houses and stories from the past. The houses in these pols are a blend of Gujarati, Maratha and Chinese architecture. Interestingly, these pols had a single entry and exit points. Moreover, these pols were connected to each other via a secret passage. We get to pass through one such passage, it might be little uncomfortable for the claustrophobic people.

Harkunvar Shethani Ni Haveli

The colossal haveli belongs to Harkuvar Sithani, she was an eminent personality in Gujarat at that time. She was the Wife of Huthee Singh, a famous businessman. She was involved in a lot of social work and also completed the famous Huthee Singh Jain temple. The architecture of the haveli is just amazing. Although we could not go inside the Haveli, from outside also it looked amazing.

Harkunvar Shethani Ni Haveli

Kala Ramji Mandir

The next on the way was kala Ramji Mandir. A narrow passage between buildings leads up to this small temple. When I reached, it was full of foreigners. Some busy writing things down and some just looking around the old temple. Passing though the courtyard as I walk towards the temple I can see the Black colored idol of lord Ram, hence the name Kala Ramji temple. Though the temple is not very grand in size, the fine-tuned carvings done on the pillars surrounding the courtyard tells a lot about faith of the people.

Astapadji Derasar

Astapadji Derasar is a Jain temple located at the end of Doshiwada ni Pol. The marble dersar of Astapadji is built in Hindu-Jain style of architecture with elaborate decoration. The sculptures include human figures in dancing position or playing music instruments. Also, animals and other floral patterns can be seen. It was built around 1856 AD by Seth Maganlal Karamchand. The derasar have idols of Adishwar Bhagvan and Mahavir swami. It also has idols of Sheth and Sethan and their guru. It is believed that 32 statues are made of Ratikar parvat’s red marble, 16 statues are made of Dadhimukh parvat’s red marble and 4 statues are made of Anjagiri parvat’s black marble.

Ahmedabad Stock Exchange

The first stock exchange in Ahmedabad was established in1989 for which this building was constructed. This was the first stock exchange building in Ahmedabad built in true colonial style. Though the stock trading is not done now, but its splendid colonial architecture can be seen which serves as reminder of the colonial era.

Manek Chowk

The Manek chowk area is quite a unique place. It is a Jewlery market during the day and after 9:30 PM it turns into a food court. It keeps open till 2AM in the morning. A lot of different stalls selling dosas, sandwiches, kufli, pav bhaji and various other items. I must say it’s a foodie’s paradise.

Badshah no Hajiro

Hajiro means tomb in English. So, Badshah no Hajiro translates to “The tomb of Badshah“. Badshah here is referred to Ahmed shah I, the founder of the Ahmedabad city. I was constructed in 1442 AD. The mausoleum is a massive domed building with a central hall with four sqaured domed rooms at the corners and deep pillared verandas between them. The centre of the main hall has tomb of Ahmed Shah 1 and on other sides are tombs of his son and grandson.

Rani Ka Hazira

The Rani Ka Hazira is a heritage complex which is having the tombs of the Queens of Ahmed Shah. It is believed to be built in the year 1445 AD. The exquisite, screened window separating the outer corridor from outside and the marble tombs are noteworthy.

Jami Masjid

The Jami Masjid was built during the reign of Ahmed Shah I in 1424 AD. The magnificent edifice is composed of a large courtyard surrounded on three sides by covered corridors while the reservoir stands in the middle. The noteworthy aspect is its 15 domes resting on 260 graceful pillars with well-proportioned facade. The pillars are so well placed that that the picture looks divided in two halves. The bottom half looks of a different place and the upper half looks as if it’s from some other place.

Why Ahmedabad is a world heritage city?

The city has survived for years. The city of Ahmedabad has 20 plus heritage monuments. The presence of so many of these heritage sites has helped the Ahmedabad city to enter the world heritage city list.

Ahmedabad Heritage walk timings

The Morning heritage walk starts at 7:30 AM from the Swaminarayan temple, Kalupur.


The standard Package costs Rs.200 Per Person for Indian Citizens and Rs.300 foreign Citizens. The Luxury Package (which Including Breakfast) costs Rs.350 Per Person for Indian Citizens and Rs.450 Per Person for foreign Citizens

How to Book the tickets for the Heritage walk

The tickets for the morning as well as evening heritage walk can be purchaced at the Counter which is present near the main gate of the Swaminarayan temple. Alternateiverly, you can book the tickets at the below website
Booking – Heritage Walk Ahmedabad

Also Read – Famous International Kite festival of Ahmedabad

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