
  • Random,  thoughts

    This diwali gift yourself a better you

    Diwali, undeniably the most cherished festival, encapsulates much more than a single day of celebration. This occasion is a tapestry of traditions and activities, including purchasing gold, adorning homes with new items, gifting our loved ones, reveling in fireworks, and meticulously decorating our dwellings with vibrant lights and colorful rangoli designs. Amidst the splendor of Diwali, we invest significantly in gifts, ornamental lights, fireworks, and more. These customs have seamlessly intertwined with the age-old Diwali rituals, contributing to the endearing essence of this festival. Yet, beyond the festivities, Diwali imparts valuable lessons and principles worth imbibing. Lighting: The primary symbolism of lighting during Diwali is the victory of light over…

  • Random,  Stories

    When a common man stood against Raja virbhadra singh

    Election commission recently announced the poll dates for Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly elections for 2017. As I read the news, a flashback of 2012 ran through my mind. Last time assembly elections were held in November 2012. I had actively participated in those elections, as my uncle was contesting for the legislative assembly from our constituency, and also it was for the first time I voted in an election. I was in college that time and I remember how actively I took part in my uncle’s election campaign, he was fielded by the BJP as a candidate for Legislative assembly against Virbhadra Singh of Congress. Of course, it was a…


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