Miracle Garden Dubai

Miracle Garden Dubai – A Colorful Oasis in the Middle of Dubai

When one thinks of Dubai, the first things that come to mind are skyscrapers, luxury hotels, and desert landscapes. However, there is a unique attraction in the heart of this city that is a must-visit for nature lovers and those seeking a break from the city’s hustle and bustle. It is the Miracle Garden Dubai, a botanical wonderland that boasts of more than 45 million flowers arranged in intricate designs and patterns. In this article, we’ll explore the history of Miracle Garden, the different sections of the park, and what makes it a top tourist destination.

With over 45 million flowers on display, Miracle Garden is a paradise for nature lovers. Besides admiring the breathtaking floral displays, there are many things to do in Miracle Garden, such as taking a stroll through the butterfly garden, visiting the aromatic garden, and enjoying live music performances.

History of Miracle Garden

Miracle Garden opened its doors in 2013, and since then, it has become one of the most popular attractions in Dubai. The park spans over 72,000 square meters, and its impressive flower displays change with every season. The garden has won numerous awards, including the ‘Moselle Award for Best Major Tourism Attraction’ in 2015.

Flower Displays in Miracle Garden

The flower displays in Miracle Garden are breathtaking and awe-inspiring. Visitors can explore different sections of the garden, each with its unique display and theme. Some of the notable sections of the park include:

Flower Displays in Miracle Garden
Flower Displays in Miracle Garden

Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly Garden is home to more than 15,000 butterflies, making it the world’s largest butterfly garden. Visitors can walk through the garden and watch the colorful butterflies in their natural habitat.

Heart Passage

The Heart Passage is a romantic section of the park that features a heart-shaped pathway adorned with flowers. It’s a popular spot for couples and those seeking to capture beautiful photos.

Umbrella Passage

The Umbrella Passage is a unique section of the park that features colorful umbrellas hanging from the ceiling. The umbrellas create a beautiful canopy of colors, and visitors can walk through the passage and take memorable photos.

Vertical Garden

The Vertical Garden is a wall covered in flowers that is 18 meters high and 50 meters wide. The display features more than 85,000 flowers and is a popular spot for photography enthusiasts.

Tunnel of Flowers

The Tunnel of Flowers is a colorful and fragrant walkway covered in flowers. Visitors can walk through the tunnel and enjoy the sweet fragrance and vibrant colors.

Tips for Visiting Miracle Garden

Miracle Garden is open from November to May and is closed during the summer months. To make the most of your visit, it’s best to arrive early in the day to avoid the crowds. The park can get busy during weekends and holidays, so plan accordingly. It’s also a good idea to wear comfortable shoes and bring a hat, sunscreen, and water, as the park can get hot during the day.

Miracle Garden in Dubai is a must-visit attraction for nature lovers. To make your trip more affordable, look out for Miracle Garden ticket offers, including seasonal promotions and discounted tickets for children. These deals provide a great way to explore the beautiful botanical garden while staying within your budget.


Miracle Garden is a unique attraction that offers a refreshing break from Dubai’s skyscrapers and desert landscapes. Its colorful and fragrant displays of flowers are a testament to the beauty of nature, and it’s a must-visit destination for anyone visiting Dubai.


How long does it take to visit Miracle Garden?

It takes around 2-3 hours to explore the garden fully.

What is the best time of year to visit Miracle Garden?

Miracle Garden is open from November to May, and the best time to visit is during the winter months when the weather is mild.

Is there an entrance fee for Miracle Garden?

Yes, there is an entrance fee for Miracle Garden. The fee varies depending on the age of the visitor and the time of the visit.

Can I bring food and drinks into Miracle Garden?

No, outside food and drinks are allowed.

Also read – Places to visit in Dubai, UAE

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