
Why do we need Smart Devices ?

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Technological advancements have changed the way we do things. Smart devices have actually made a very big impact on our lifestyle. I remember my first phone Nokia 1100, which was just a device to make phone calls and SMS. It was the year 2013 and a smartphone was need of the hour and Flipkart here helped me out in starting out my digital journey. I purchased my first smartphone and it introduced me to the world of internet on the go. It reduced my dependency on laptops for small tasks such as reading an e-journal or my favorite blog post.

Years later the trend of smart wearable started, and it didn’t take me long to buy one. My friend bought a smartwatch, I instantly fell in love with it and wanted to buy the same, but its high cost was the issue. The good thing was that Flipkart had a huge variety of smart wearable and finally I zeroed on Xiaomi Mi Band. I replaced my analog watch with this and the results started to show. It proved to be a good purchase as it was not just a watch but a fitness monitor as well.

My Xiaomi Mi Band 3

Smart Wearable – But Why?

The Motivator
The mi band has forced me to walk more and be more active. There are times when we tend to be lazy and carry our scooty/bike for a walk-able distance, the fitness band has helped in achieving a daily target of steps walked and the calories burned.

The tracker
A good sleep adds up to the energy for the next day. The sleep tracker has helped me to be more aware of my sleep patterns and indirectly forces me to go to sleep early at night and the smart alarm helps in waking me up the following day so that I can hit the gym on time.

The virgin pulse
The fitness band helped me participate in a virgin pulse wellness program, whereby I can compete with my office colleagues. The competitive nature of the same has increased my overall wellness. I would highly recommend getting your smart wearable now and #GetFitWithFlipkart and yeah do come back to thank me later 🙂

Smart Home – A Boon
The smart home devices come with their own perks. Very first use case of smart devices that comes to my mind is my winter experience at my home. In January, when the winters are its peak with temperature reeling around 0°C here at my home in Shimla, Himachal. It’s hard to move out of the bed and I’m a person who sleeps with even head inside the quilt, trying to get full proof cover from the cold air outside. I’m watching television, and it’s time to sleep now. But wait, there’s a task to do. I’ve to get up to turn off the lights. Here, I feel the use of smart lights. The only thing that goes outside quilt is my voice – “OK Google, turn off the lights” and my body is still cozy inside the quilt. This may sound childish, but trust me it is a real problem for elderly people. Well, Google Home can do much more than controlling smart lights.
Google Home Mini   Pic
Streamlining our efforts
Once I was reading a book, the alchemist and I needed the meaning of a word. I opened my phone searched for the word and as I was going to return to the book, I got a WhatsApp message and ended up spending the next 30 mins on WhatsApp, replying to messages on a group chat. With google home around, you just need to say two magical words “OK Google” and just ask the meaning of the word. There are many situations when you need little information and you use your phone for that, like checking whether updates, playing music, one-liner que
stions, etc. and at times end up wasting some time. Well, not anymore, Make Google do it and let’s start a #SmartHomeRevolution


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